• Each team will consist of two (2) members both of whom must function in a pre-hospital setting. ALS Teams may include nurses or paramedics. BLS Teams must be EMTs only. One member of each team shall be the team captain. Physicians are not allowed as team members.
• Photos and video must only be taken from a designated area, no live feeds are authorized. Violations will result in the disqualification of the team from the competition. The use of still or video pictures will not be permitted as part of a judging appeal.
• The team captain shall participate in all team activities and shall be the spokesperson for the team.
• Teams are to supply their own equipment that is commonly available and used in the pre-hospital environment.
• All team members must be registered attendees of the 2016 NJ Statewide Conference on EMS to be eligible to compete. Team members will not be sequestered, allowing conference participation during non-competition time.
• Equipment may be inspected prior to the competition and may be sequestered until the competition begins.
• Teams are responsible for the safe disposal of all sharps.
• No charts, drug cards, rulers, pocket guides, forms, or PDAs will be allowed. Use of such items during the contest is grounds for disqualification.
• Each team may bring one standard “single function” calculator with them into the competition. Calculators are subject to approval by competition officials.
• No radios, pagers, computers PDA’s or cellular phones will be allowed in the competition areas. Use of such items during the contest is grounds for disqualification.
• No equipment with the exception of stethoscope and personal issue scissors, clamps, or other equipment normally found in a holster may be carried on a team member’s person. All equipment must be approved by the competition coordinator prior to commencement of the competition. Length/weight based pediatric guidesARE allowed.
• The competition will start at the designated time. All teams must be in the designated area at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to their designated start time. No equipment may be opened prior to the start of the competition unless specified by the Chief Judge for that scenario.
• A maximum time limit (typically less than 20 minutes) will apply to each scenario. Time to complete the scenario or to the initiation of an intervention within the scenario may be used to determine a winner in the case of a tie. Failure to complete the scenario within the time limit will result in point deductions for that scenario.
• In a case of dispute regarding patient care the Chief Judge for that scenario shall render the final decision. All disputes must be reported IMMEDIATELY after team completes their scenario.
• Competitors will be judged based on NJ State Protocols. Any procedures or actions by a team member outside the scope of a New Jersey ALS or BLS provider, respectively, are subject to point penalties.
• All team members shall be in uniform and wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment. (PPE), which includes a minimum of gloves and eye protection. PPE must be used at all times during the scenario. Masks will not be required. Teams may don PPE after the dispatch information and prior to entering the scenario.
• Procedures will be carried out in as realistic a manner as possible and may include simulated or real patients or any combination of both.
• Medication administration shall take place in real time. IV infusion rates will be monitored. All procedures will be performed unless specified by the Chief Judge for that scenario.
• Patient management elements will only be scored if they are actually performed and verbalized.
• Requests for back up or assistance from other agencies must be requested if required. You will be advised at the time of request as to the availability of such resources.